Tag Archives: Chain

Lunch time Lego brain teaser

Dear minimalist readership,

Here’s an interesting one for those of you that like a good problem to solve. Below is an image of an injection moulded Lego piece(s) which is currently available. When a friend showed me this piece of Lego, I have to say I was initially stumped as to ‘how do they make that’?

Lego brain teaser

Lego brain teaser

Each link can move freely but unlike most chains made of metal, there are no obvious join marks on each link. This would then lead you to assume that this part has been moulded whole as one long conjoined chain. So, boil the kettle, grab a pencil and paper and see if you can figure out how this was made using just your noggin. The only clue I will give you is that this is just one moulding, there is no assembly required to make this part.

Answers on a postcard.
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PS. If you’re really stumped, here’s the answer but don’t spoil it for others:

Many thanks to Siona for bringing this to my attention and stretching my mind this morning.