Category Archives: Product Design

Lunch time Lego brain teaser

Dear minimalist readership,

Here’s an interesting one for those of you that like a good problem to solve. Below is an image of an injection moulded Lego piece(s) which is currently available. When a friend showed me this piece of Lego, I have to say I was initially stumped as to ‘how do they make that’?

Lego brain teaser

Lego brain teaser

Each link can move freely but unlike most chains made of metal, there are no obvious join marks on each link. This would then lead you to assume that this part has been moulded whole as one long conjoined chain. So, boil the kettle, grab a pencil and paper and see if you can figure out how this was made using just your noggin. The only clue I will give you is that this is just one moulding, there is no assembly required to make this part.

Answers on a postcard.
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PS. If you’re really stumped, here’s the answer but don’t spoil it for others:

Many thanks to Siona for bringing this to my attention and stretching my mind this morning.


Cool electric plug, yeah you heard me, cool!

Dear minimalist readership,

mu is a product concept that won a whole heap of design awards back in 2009 when the student designer at the time, Min-Kyu Choi, unleashed his creative brain upon the humble electric plug.


The design has come a long way since Mr. Choi’s first initial idea, however the principal remains the same, sleek, elegant and bloomin’ small.

The design sees the standard UK plug being turned on it’s pins, literally. By rotating the orientation of the two lower pins and the fuse inside, the amount of space required to house all the components is dramatically reduced. This makes the product the perfect tech travelling companion. The concept was so successful that it has now gone into mass production.  You can even purchase one yourself.

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Other spin off concepts were also mocked up. Who knows maybe we’ll see some of these ideas reach the shelves in various forms in the future

The world’s smallest multi-plug

Should you wish to purchase one of these fine electrical devices, currently only available with a USB socket, you can find them for around 1,500 of your English pennies at your local online supermarket.


Concepts, ideas and things

Dear minimalist readership,

Some ideas are clever. Some ideas are progressive. Some ideas just make you smile. Here’s a small collection of product concepts from around the web that I feel deserve some small praise.

007446,22173 waitress plug dishware16 comeingoaway cimaladder 0ocad3mwinnersUpcycling Tennis BallThe last one’s technically not a product but it made me smile nonetheless.
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Many thanks to Siona for the product spots!


The 6 second tooth brush

Dear minimalist readership,

What happens when you take a group of dentists and introduce them to a group of engineers?

You get Blizzident, the world’s first 6 second, all encompassing, omnidirectional, tooth, gum and tongue brush… and flossing device. Obviously.


The product is made by taking a 3D scan of the users mouth. The data is then used create a fully personalised ‘toothbrush’ which looks to place bristles facing directly into each tooth and gap within the mouth.

3D scan of the mouth with bristles aligned to the teeth

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Dental floss threads through the product

To use the product, one has to simply place the device in their mouth and bite down and grind their teeth upon it for around 6 seconds. As each tooth is being cleaned simultaneously this means each tooth is getting equal care and dramatically reduces the time needed to clean the whole mouth.

So, the question is, would you stump up the near £300 to have your mouth scanned and have a personalised toothbrush made? Bare in mind, this product only needs replacing once a year (at a reduced cost) as the amount of work each bristle is doing is significantly reduced from that of your standard calcium scrubber.


Dyson Awards 2013 – Shortlist

Dear minimalist readership,

It’s that time of year when we see all manner of interesting products and student designers rear their heads to hopefully claim the accolade of winning the prestigious James Dyson Award. Previous winning designs have included a water delivery system for the agricultural market, a portable buoyancy device and an automatic, retro-fitted, kitchen fire suppression kit (and one hell of a mouthful!).

This year’s products are looking as diverse and innovative as ever. Having read through this year’s shortlist I want to bring your attention the products that caught my attention and are worthy of praise. So without further-ado:


This concept has been floating around the internet for nearly two years now, when a small but (by the looks of it) hugely successful KickStarter project helped bring this product to manufacture. Revolights work like no other lights you have used on your bike before. Instead of your standard handlebar adorned shiners, Revolights looks to bring the light source to where it is needed, the ground!

The construction of Revolights sees a ring of LEDs fitted to the rim of each wheel. Then using a system which utilises magnets and accelerometers, the LEDs light up to face forward and backward respectively for the front and rear wheels.


Check out the video here - Revolights

Titan Arm

A uniquely low cost exoskeleton aimed to augment human strength. Primarily designed for those that have fallen victim to a disabling illness or injury, whilst increasing arm strength by 175N the device records movement and load data applied to the device so a doctor or occupational therapist can track the progress and improvement of a patient.

Titan Arm

Check out the video here - Titan Arm


Cortex provides a unique 3D cast for fractures and breaks on the human body. Aside from the incredibly mesmerising form of Cortex, this concept improves upon the traditional plaster cast by providing a lightweight, waterproof, ergonomic, ventilated alternative that even allows the user to scratch those irritating itches beneath the cast. The product is designed by taking a 3D scan of the users arm (or other broken appendage) to develop the overall shape of the cast. An algorithm is then used to make the cast as lightweight as possible whilst still maintaining it’s strength. Extra material can also be added to specific areas related to the fracture or break to ensure maximum protection is maintained.

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Sono is a nice concept device designed to fit to your bustling city flat window and aims to reduce or cancel all exterior noises polluting your fortress of solitude. Having seen products which look to turn your windows into speakers, one can only assume that this product is looking to achieve the same principle but instead of blasting your favourite tunes into your living room it’s providing a wave cancelling sound. One neat feature the final product may possess, from watching the humorous video, is the ability to isolate wanted and unwanted frequencies to turn those noisy cars into the sound of the birds tweeting outside.


Check out the video here - Sono


Oxygen therapy is apparently the quickest way to treat somebody suffering from a severe asthma attack. Conventional oxygen tanks are heavy and cumbersome making them impractical . Roam is a light weight respiratory device that looks to provide oxygen therapy to children in an intuitive and easy to use form. The product sees an aesthetically pleasing design coupled with an innovative nasal mask to gently rest upon the users face while they breathe in oxygen.


Check out the video here – Roam

So that’s my pick of the 2013 Dyson Award shortlisters. For the full list head over to

The winner of the award is due to be announced on the 7th November. I’ll be sure to keep you posted, so keep your eyes and ears open.

Over and out.


Welcome to my mind

Dear minimalist readership,

So after a number of years in the Industrial Design industry I thought it was time to find my voice and start a simple home grown blog. It is my intention to provide you, the minimalist readership, with my thoughts, insights and dealings with the Industrial and Product Design industries. In the indefinite future I hope to provide you with a resource of blogging delights including:

  • Products, ideas and concepts that I find intelligent, moving or innovative
  • My design ethos
  • Advice on how to conduct yourself in professional ID environments
  • Progress on any projects which can be openly discussed
  • The copious amount of coffee I consume to function on a useful level

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So join the revolution and I’ll keep you up-to-date with my brain.